LIVING ROOM COLORS The living room unites the things that make your house a home. Leisure, comfort, togetherness. It’s the setting for countless memories and peaceful moments. So it’s not surprising that paint colors for living rooms have a huge impact on the overall mood of your home. Depending on your home’s unique personality, your space can be soothing or statement-making. It can have old-fashioned charm or modern appeal. Whatever your style, these gorgeous colors are the top choices for...Continue Reading
“Create your own colours and explore beyond borders” It is common for particular paint colours to trend for some time before new ones take over. This is usually seen in changes in people’s home’s interior and exterior. However, note that colours usually trend for not more than seven years, people’s choice of colours is determined by location, affluence, geography and weather. The mood of the people and economic trends differ, what is trending in Europe may not be...Continue Reading
Flooring is one of the most expensive investments made while constructing a house. In most cases choosing the best flooring for a house is tricky, there are plenty of fabrications to select from for different rooms. A house can have more than one floor types, however, it should not exceed three types. Before selecting flooring for your house, put in mind whether the material you want will function for you. Besides getting the look you want or need...Continue Reading
Painting is an easy way to boost the appeal of your home. However, if wrongly it can just as easily ruin your home. Your home can either impress or put offContinue Reading
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